Facial Aesthetics Clinic of The Year

Common Lip Filler Fears & Why You Don’t Need To Worry

dermal filling

Lip filler has become extremely popular in the past few years. It’s a great way to quickly improve your appearance without the need for major surgery. However, many clients will put off getting fillers done because they are afraid. We’re going to dispel a few common fears in this guide, which should help you to make a more informed choice as to whether lip fillers are right for you.

Lip Fillers Hurt

As a general rule, most people who get lip injections do find that there is a little discomfort or pain. However, it’s very rarely extreme. Many people describe the sensation as a pinch, though the intensity of this feeling will vary from person to person. If you’re really determined to have your lips done, the pain shouldn’t put you off as it’s only momentary. You can even apply a numbing cream before the procedure to reduce your sensitivity if you think this will calm your nerves. However, many people get lip fillers without any numbing cream at all.

Lip Fillers Look Unnatural

This is a very common misconception. The outcome of your lip filler will be determined by what you look like before and the skill of your practitioner. If you would prefer a more natural outcome, then make sure you choose an injector who has plenty of experience producing natural looking fillers. An experienced injector will also advise you on the right amount of filler to achieve your goals. Using too much can make you look puffy and unnatural, as well as choosing the wrong type of filler. The placement of the product will also affect the result, so be sure to choose someone who knows what they’re doing.

aesthetics before and after

Lip Fillers Are Purely Cosmetic

Although it’s true that many people get their lips done to improve their features, there are other benefits. As well as increasing the size and volume of your lips, hyaluronic fillers can improve lip hydration. Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body, and it attracts water molecules. So, if you suffer from chronically dry lips and constantly need to reapply balms, you may benefit from the moisture-retaining qualities of lip fillers.

For Lip Fillers, Choose Lumineux Aesthetics

Lumineux Aesthetics is led by Jacqui, who is a registered nurse with over 30 years of experience. She has extensive knowledge of facial anatomy and structure, and can apply fillers to create natural-looking improvements. If you’d like to learn more about her services, get in touch today.


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